Google Suggest: How to make your brand appear in position -1

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Google Suggest: How to make your brand appear in position -1
Suggest Agency
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Position -1 refers to your brand appearing in Google search results for users before they even confirm their search. It influences search outcomes and often allows you to outperform competitors. Here's an explanation.

What exactly is Position -1?

When you search on Google, you land on a page with 10 organic results. Lately, position zero has emerged. That means Google displays an answer directly above the search results, with options to refine it by clicking links beneath the response. Employing an Inbound Marketing strategy can specifically help you achieve position zero for the keywords that interest you.

In SEO, position -1 means a result appears before the search is confirmed. This is due to Google Suggest. When you start a search, Google offers to refine it with "bold" words before you even confirm. This is position -1.

Advantages of Position -1 for Businesses

Clearly, position -1 is very beneficial for businesses. Being present in Google's suggestions can significantly enhance brand recognition. Moreover, when users utilize suggestions related to a brand, the displayed results exclusively concern that brand, eliminating competition.

Suggest Agency, the Specialist of Position -1

The founders of Suggest Agency are the specialist in position -1 and Google Suggest. They conducted studies with their service users and average internet users. Based on these findings, they developed a service that allows entrepreneurs to incorporate these famous suggestions or to remove bad suggestions. 

Enhancing Your Brand's Recognition

When a brand appears in Google's suggestions, it naturally inspires trust among users. No less than 56% of consumers are positively influenced by Google Suggest.

For brands, having a term appear after their name helps to promote a key product or event. For example, a real estate agency would appreciate seeing "free estimate" next to its name, guiding users towards a sales page that can truly convert.

Product Launch

Here, the brand appears following a generic search. If you're launching a product that the public isn't yet anticipating from you, Google Suggest can be particularly useful. Users will discover that a brand, known or not, offers a service or product of interest. On average, brands present in these suggestions, in position -1, see a 23% increase in sales.


A company can suffer from a poor online reputation. Unpleasant terms associated with a brand in Google Suggest are not flattering and harm the company's reputation. Negative terms create fear, inspire mistrust, and slow the conversion process.

By suggesting more flattering terms and positively influencing suggestions, it's possible to eliminate the negative. With a clean reputation, trust returns, and sales increase.

If the source of the bad reputation is limited, this could solve the problem. In more severe cases, combining Google Suggest strategies with other actions is necessary to improve e-reputation.

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