How to use keyword suggestions with Google Search Suggest?

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How to use keyword suggestions with Google Search Suggest?
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Are you looking for relevant keywords to optimize your SEO? Do you want to know the most popular queries on Google? Are you looking to diversify your semantic field and find expressions related to your theme? Then you must absolutely use Google Suggest!

Google Suggest is the feature that suggests keyword ideas when you type a query into the search bar. These suggestions are based on the most frequent searches by users, allowing you to understand their needs, questions, and intentions. It is thus a valuable tool to tailor your content to your audience and improve your ranking on search engines.

But how do you use Google Suggest effectively? What are the tricks to make the most of it? How do you analyze the keyword suggestions and integrate them into your SEO strategy? That's what we'll see in this article!

What is Google Suggest and how does it work?

Google Suggest is a Google feature launched in 2007. Its aim is to facilitate and speed up searches for users by offering relevant keywords based on what they type into the search bar. For example, if you type “google suggest”, you'll see suggestions like “google suggest tool”, “google suggest scraper”, “google suggest api”, or “google suggest tool”.

These suggestions are automatically generated by an algorithm based on several objective factors, such as:

  • Search frequency: the more a query is typed by users, the more likely it is to appear in the suggestions.
  • Geographic location: suggestions may vary depending on the country or region where you conduct your search.
  • Language: suggestions are tailored to the language you use for your search.
  • Search history: suggestions can take into account your previous searches and preferences.Google Suggest is a tool that allows you to know the search trends on Google and discover keywords you might not have thought to use. It's also a way to find alternative queries or long-tail expressions that can be more specific and less competitive.

How to use Google Suggest to find keywords?

Google Suggest is a free and easy-to-use tool for finding keywords. Just type a keyword into the search bar and look at the suggestions that appear. You can then click on a suggestion to see the corresponding search results or use the keyboard arrow to navigate between the different proposals.

But there are also tricks to optimize your searches with Google Suggest and obtain more relevant suggestions. Here are some examples:

  • Use special characters: You can insert special characters like “_” or “” before or after your keyword or enclose it in quotes to discover complementary terms. For example, if you type “google suggest _”, you might see suggestions like “google suggest feature”, “google suggest tools” or “google suggest seo”. If you type “ google suggest”, you might see suggestions like “how to use google suggest”, “what is google suggest” or “why google suggest”. If you type “google suggest” in quotes, you might see more precise suggestions like “google suggest tool (free) ᐈ 750+ autocomplete keywords” or “google suggest: retrieve strategic keywords”.
  • Use letters or numbers: You can also add letters or numbers to the end of your keyword to get more varied suggestions. For example, if you type “google suggest a”, you might see suggestions like “google suggest api”, “google suggest algorithm” or “google suggest autocomplete”. If you type “google suggest 2”, you might see suggestions like “google suggest 2020”, “google suggest 2019” or “google suggest 2018”.
  • Use related keywords: You can also combine your keyword with other related keywords from your theme to get more targeted suggestions. For example, if you type “google suggest seo”, you might see suggestions like “google suggest seo tool”, “google suggest seo strategy” or “google suggest seo tips”. If you type “google suggest tool”, you might see suggestions like “google suggest free tool”, “google suggest research tool” or “google suggest seo tool”.

How to analyze Google Suggest suggestions?

Finding keywords with Google Suggest is good. But it's still necessary to know how to analyze and exploit them for your SEO. Indeed, not all suggestions are equal and you must be able to sort the most relevant for your website. Here are some criteria to consider when analyzing Google Suggest suggestions:

  • Popularity: The popularity of a keyword corresponds to the number of times it is searched by users on Google. The more popular a keyword is, the more potential traffic it generates. But be careful, the more popular a keyword is, the more competitive it is too. You must therefore find a balance between the popularity and competition of a keyword. To know the popularity of a keyword, you can use tools like Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner, or Keyword Tool.
  • Intent: The intent of a keyword corresponds to the purpose pursued by the user who performs the search. There are different types of intentions, such as informational intent (the user seeks to inform themselves on a subject), transactional intent (the user seeks to buy a product or service) or navigational intent (the user seeks to access a specific website). It is important to know the intent of a keyword to adapt your content accordingly. For example, if you target a keyword with a transactional intent, you must offer a clear and compelling commercial offer. To know the intent of a keyword, you can analyze the search results that appear for this keyword and see what types of websites are positioned.
  • Relevance: The relevance of a keyword corresponds to the degree of adequacy between the keyword and your website. The more relevant a keyword is, the more it corresponds to your theme, your offer, and your target. You must therefore choose keywords that are related to your activity, your products or services, and that meet the needs and expectations of your potential customers. To evaluate the relevance of a keyword, you can ask yourself the following questions: Does this keyword correspond to my field of expertise? Does this keyword describe my product or service? Does this keyword attract my ideal customer?

How to integrate Google Suggest suggestions into your SEO strategy?

Once you have found and analyzed Google Suggest suggestions, you just have to integrate them into your SEO strategy. Here are some tips to do it effectively:

  • Create quality content: The first tip is to create quality content that meets the needs and questions of Internet users who use the keywords you have chosen.

To do this, you must respect the good practices of web writing, such as:

  • Structuring your content with titles (h1, h2, h3...) and short and clear paragraphs.
  • Using relevant and varied keywords in your text, without repeating them abusively.
  • Using synonyms, related terms or long-tail expressions to enrich your semantic field.
  • Using literary devices like symbolism, irony, foreshadowing, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, imagery, onomatopoeia, and comparison to make your content more captivating and interesting.
  • Using a human style, simple French, contractions, idiomatic expressions, transition sentences, interjections, detached modifiers, and familiar expressions to create proximity with your reader.
  • Highlighting important words while remaining readable by using the html strong tag.
  • Adding images, videos, infographics or other visual elements to illustrate your point and make your content more attractive.
  • Adding internal and external links to strengthen your credibility and authority.
  • Adding a call to action at the end of your content to encourage your reader to take the next step (subscribe to your newsletter, buy your product, contact you...).
  • Optimize your meta tags: The second tip is to optimize your meta tags which are the elements that appear in the search results on Google. These are mainly the title (title tag) and description (meta description tag) of your web page. These tags must be written in a way to attract the attention of Internet users and encourage them to click on your link. To do this, you must:
  • Use relevant and catchy keywords in your title and description.
  • Use numbers, statistics, questions or words that arouse curiosity or emotion in your title and description.
  • Use special characters like emojis, symbols or capitals to highlight certain words in your title and description.
  • Respect the maximum length of your title (60 characters) and your description (160 characters) to avoid them being cut by Google.

Do link building

The third tip is to do link building which consists in obtaining links from other websites to yours. These links are called backlinks and they are very important for SEO. Indeed, they allow to improve the popularity and credibility of your website in the eyes of Google. The more you have quality backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites in your theme, the more you have chances to be well positioned on search engines.

To do link building effectively, you must:

  • Create quality content that adds value to your readers and arouses the interest of other websites.
  • Promote your content on social networks, forums, blogs or thematic directories to make it known and generate traffic.
  • Contact websites that deal with the same subject as you or that have a similar audience to yours to offer them a link exchange or a collaboration (guest article, interview...).
  • Follow the performance of your backlinks with tools like Google Search Console or Ahrefs to measure their impact on your SEO.


Google Suggest is a free and powerful tool to find relevant keywords for your SEO. It allows you to know the most popular queries on Google, the intentions of Internet users and long-tail expressions that can make you gain positions on search engines. To use Google Suggest effectively, you must know the tricks to get more suggestions, analyze them according to objective criteria and integrate them into your SEO strategy. By following these tips, you can optimize your content, your meta tags and your link building to attract more qualified traffic to your website.

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